All posts tagged as dublin zoo

27 Jul

Any way you run, you run before us, Black and white horse arching among us (Zebra at Dublin Zoo)

In d. People & Animals by admin / July 27, 2012 / 0 Comments

The post title are lyrics from the song ‘Zebra’, from the album ‘Teen Dream’ by Beach House.

22 Jul

It’s the eye of the tiger, it’s the thrill of the fight

In d. People & Animals by admin / July 22, 2012 / 0 Comments

An Amur tiger relaxing in Dublin Zoo. The largest in length and the heaviest of all cats, Amur tigers also have the thickest fur to protect them from the bitter cold of their habitat. Humans are their only predators and, although legally protected, they are still killed for their fur and body parts for use in traditional eastern medicines and as ornaments or charms. Estimates of their numbers in the wild range from as low as 150 to over 400.

Post title is taken from ‘Eye Of The Tiger’, the Survivor song made world famous by Rocky 3.