All posts tagged as brussels

30 Apr

Brussels Holiday (Brussels Sprouts)

In d. People & Animals by admin / April 30, 2013 / 1 Comment

Brussels, Beer, Chocolate

A BIG thank you to Today FM and Leonidas Chocolate for our great holiday.
Last year I was lucky enough to win a 5 night, 5 star holiday in Brussels on Today FM in conjunction with Leonidas Chocolate. Included was a beer tour, a waling chocolate tour and even a chocolate workshop. And a visit to a new city meant a chance for me to wander around snapping photos. Beer, chocolate and photography- heaven!

Some friends joined us on the holiday and we had a great time. I’d highly recommend Brussles as a place to visit; great beer and waffles, lovley city to just wander around in.

“Brussels Sprouts” is a song by by Lionel Hampton, a Jazz giant from the 1930’s. (I give all my blog posts related musical titles.

20 Apr

Sleeping at Brussels Airport (Starting and then stopping, Taking off and landing, The emptiest of feelings)

In d. People & Animals by admin / April 20, 2013 / 0 Comments

While at Brussels airport waiting for my flight back to Ireland I noticed a lot of people sleeping on benches. So, of course, I thought they’d make interesting photographs.

Brussels airport sleeping

Brussels airport lounge

Brussels airport

Brussels airport sleep

Starting and then stopping, Taking off and landing, The emptiest of feelings are lyrics from the song ‘Let Down’ by the great, great Radiohead

09 Apr

Brussels Skateboarding Park (Heaven Is a Halfpipe)

Brussels Skateboarding Park

During my recent holiday in Brussels I came across a skateboarding park and snapped some photos of the kids hanging out there.
I returned two days later with my sports lens and some dedicated time to capture the skateboarders in action. But, unfortunately there was only a few very young kids there and they weren’t throwing any great shapes. Still, I like the vibe in these photos and think I caught the ‘too cool for school’ attitude of the kids.

brussels skateboard (4)

brussels skateboard park

brussels skateboarding park

Heaven Is A Halfpipe is a song by OPM