All posts tagged as full moon

14 Aug

Bad Moon Rising

In b. Abstract/Arty by admin / August 14, 2012 / 2 Comments

I’ve never managed to get a ‘close up’ shot of a full moon that I’ve been happy with, never managed to capture the details that I’ve seen in some people’s photos. So the last time I saw a full moon I tried something different, just some camera shaking. I was suprisingly happy with the result- an abstract full moon

Post title is the title of an album by Sonic Youth and also a song by Creedence Clearwater Revival. Take your pick

10 Nov

Full Moon, Empty Heart (Belly song)

In f. Nature & Sky by admin / November 10, 2011 / 0 Comments

Here’s my token photo of a full moon. I think that every amateur photographer has taken a photo of a full moon at some stage.
I checked and the optimal settings are meant to be something like:
1/125 second
f 11 or so
lowest ISO possible

I saw the moon on my way home from work but by the time I arrived home it was already dark so I shoot at f2.8, 1/60 second and ISO 200 at 200mm. Ideally I’d have a longer zoom lens so I could crop closer without losing detail.