All posts tagged as record grooves

06 Nov

Vinyl Record Photographs

In b. Abstract/Arty by admin / November 6, 2015 / 0 Comments

I own a macro lens, love music so recently I wanted to try photographing the grooves in a vinyl record. So I bought a Columbia long play vinyl record in my local charity store and brought it home to begin photographing it. Unfortunately I realised that when viewing macro photos of the grooves that you can spot dust/static build up EVERYWHERE. As I don’t have an anti-static record cleaning brush I decided to focus on the packaging & also take some abstract photos of the vinyl.

In the first two photos I wanted to show the care that is needed with vinyl; most young people nowadays have probably never held a vinyl record so these guidelines would be alien to them. The first photo shows the vinyl is old; the text is beginning to fade, the record cover is wrinkled and creased.

Handle With Great Care

Vinyl record sleeve Handle with great care

Vinyl Collage

vinyl collage  

Vinyl Abstract Photos

Abstract is my favourite style of photography so I had to try to capture some abstract photos and am very pleased with these results. In the first vinyl abstract photo I went for a very minimalistic look, turned the vinyl to pitch black while saturating the colours to make the photo pop.

Minimalistic Vinyl

Columbia vinyl record  
The last vinyl abstract photo is my favourite, maybe because it’s the most abstract and colourful. I set the shutter to 1/2 a second and panned the lens across the vinyl grooves. In post-processing I played around with a few settings to obtain the colourful effects. For some people this could be an awful photo but I love it.

Colourful Vinyl Abstract
colourful vinyl abstract